It was a little over a year ago that, having just finished up Andrew Ng's machine learning course on Coursera, I was inspired to build a little neural network of my own. I designed it to predict the next character of a sequence of input characters, given the previous 20 characters. Then I set it to work training itself on the text of Charles Dickens's A Christmas Carol, A Tale of Two Cities, and David Copperfield.
I was working on this while on vacation in Morocco. It took the little Atom-powered netbook I had brought with me about 36 hours to finish the training. When it was done, I set it to work generating more characters based on its own output—that is, taking the previous 20 characters of its own output, it would generate a next character, and then another given the trailing 19 characters of the original sequence followed by the newly generated character, and so on.
The result was a series of literary gems like this paragraph:
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Has my netbook unearthed what Dickens really meant to say? And should Tolstoy be worried?